All Programs are (6)-(8) weeks
except for Community Service programs
they hourly services for probation clients
$85 & $185
Art tools: Jewelry making, Tea Shirt design, refurbishing clothing, shoes: $195 for (6) wks (8) wks $225
Business Skills: Opening business credit, how to open a business, applying for your nonprofit, applying for license: $349-$425
Construction projects: Painting Buildings/Home Interior/Exterior, cabinets, decks, garage floor, refurbishing furniture etc. $398-$475
Free Services:
Mentorship: Includes training in the areas you need to move forward in life, tools used zoom/google classroom etc.
Coaching: Includes life skills, counseling, re-entry from any type of incarceration, strengthening the inter- person with in you, healing the mindset etc.
The organization 6/8wks programs is a guide to help you to take your next step forward. The programs are to give you a start, when you do not have a clue, what you want to do with your talent or style most people in life do not think that they have a talent that the world needs and can use. However, let me tell you a little about myself, you will learn more as we take this journey together. My name is Mrs. Sharmon Causey, I love people of all nationalities, but I never wanted to work on one job doing the same thing forever. I wanted to meet different people and learn different things. My journey began when I left high school and did not have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. I knew this for sure, I did not want to work on a job where I could not meet different people from all levels of society. I went to college and received two associate degrees, bachelor’s degree in Community Development and a Master of Science In Administration, after I received my education, I was off to start my own business. I knew I wanted to work with youth/young adults/adults etc. To make a long story short, here I am doing what I love, meeting you to help you move forward is a wonderful thing. Well, it is time to start our journey, into the program of your choice.
The organization offers several programs:
Refurbishing StylesBusiness Skills Deck Staining
Jewelry Making Art Classes
Painting/Pressure WashingMentorshipInterior Design
The Program will help you focus on your goals at hand until you see the goals in (vision) that make you want to move forward with them. The organization’s goal is to keep you focused on your goals in life, in the program you write out your goals and how you will take the steps to get there. Also, you will write or tell me why you are here on earth and what are you supposed to be doing while you are here on earth. The organization focuses is on getting the youth/young adult or even adult to find their purpose. There are five traits, and you need to find which one you fit into: 1. Openness, 2. Agreeableness, 3. Extraversion, 4. Neuroticism and 5. Contentiousness
1a. People that are high in openness will try new things, like different foods/programs/ travel to different places. They have jobs as Tour guide, a Pilot.
2b. People that are high in agreeableness don’t insult others, nor do they question a person's motives or intentions. They don’t think that they are better than others. They have a handle on their anger and negative emotions. The type of jobs they are into is Elementary School Teachers, HR Specialist, Social Worker, Psychiatric nurse.
3c. People that are high in Extraversion are extremely outgoing they need more stimulation from outside world, they have jobs in fields as following: Event Planner, Personal Trainer HR, Industrial, Organizational, Psychologist, Operation Management, Public Relations, Purchasing Manager, Retail Manager, Construction Manager, Counselor, Home Healthcare Aide, Therapist. Youth Directors, CEO.
4d. The people with this trait Neuroticism are Researcher, HR Mangers, graphic designer, creative director. Dr. Lawyers.
5e. The people that have this trait Contentiousness, have excellent attention to detail and consider one of these careers. Accountant, Sales Manager. HR,
The program wants to find the right you, for our right tomorrow. We can now begin the program of your choice. As you choose the program to fit you, then we can start moving forward.
The pack you are beginning today is Refurbishing Styles. The first thing you are going to do after you have completed the information above is choose 4/5 project to working on 1-by-1. It will be (5) project below and you have to choose only (4).
Shoes, take an old pair of shoes and make them look new or change the color of them.
Pants, take an old pair of pants and make them over/look new or change the color of them.
Make jewelry out of clothing/rope/or just make jeweler.
Design a place or cup with your picture or family picture.
Draw a person or yourself on a canvas.
Then once the above projects are finished, start the next one. Put together a budget in excel and then put the cost of all items you will sale to the public. Then put together your marketing plan. to promote your items.
The organization wants to know who you are going to sale your product or services to. The information should be laid out within the project and assignment.
Find your path and get into it.
9456 S. Main St. D-4 I am applying for:
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(6)wks programs
(8)wks programs